Well, needless to say, life has been a little busy lately. Let me update you on a few things that have been going on around my household.
I've finished the Herbal Cleanse...it was ok. IF nothing else it forced me to really think about what I'm eating, eat a lot healthier and take note on calories, fiber, etc. Which is what I have been doing a lot of lately...not so much the counting calories part, just making sure I have a vegetable with dinner, fruit throughout the day, a healthy breakfast, AND lots of water! And I am feeling A TON better!
Plus, Mr. KU and I have loved having our membership at the gym. We get there at least 4 times a week and I've already lost 3 pounds!!! I know I said I wasn't keeping track and this was about being healthy but I'm still stoked about the 3 pounds. I would love to lose 7 more by the end of April but we shall see. I think a 5k is in our near future. I'm trying to convince him to do a 10K in the fall. Next year I definitely want to do another half marathon!
I've also been super busy with friends lately. My friend Liz came in town from St. Louis this past weekend and we had a lot of girl time to catch up on each other's lives. It's amazing that no matter how long we go without seeing each other or talking, we pick up right where we left off. I LOVE THAT!
Bachelorette parties, travel, weddings and more will soon be taking up a lot of my time. But they are for family and some of the greatest friends in the world! I can't wait to help them celebrate their special days and be a part of their lives. I feel truly blessed!
Hopefully getting my pictures loaded to my lap top tonight and more posts to come!

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