Sunday, April 17

Tuna Steaks & Zucchini

Last Sunday evening Mr. KU and I decided to grill out because the weather was so nice!  Since we are really trying to eat healthy and watch what we eat we decided on tuna steaks and veggies.  His veggie of choice is Asparagus and mine was zucchini & squash.

Mr. KU starting the grill

Zucchini Recipe
1 Zucchini
1 Yellow Squash
1/2 Onion
Garlic Powder
Butter (optional)
Parmesan Cheese
1-2 eggs

- Slice Zucchini & squash.  Don't worry about peeling
- Slice Onion - don't have to use the entire onion, depends on your love for onion.
- Melt 1 tbsp of butter in a pan on medium heat.
- Saute onions, zucchini & squash until they are somewhat soft.
- Mix eggs like you would to make scrambled eggs
- Add to pan and continue mixing until the eggs become the same consistency as scrambled eggs
- Sprinkle with garlic powder and Parmesan cheese for a few minutes

Serve & Enjoy!

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