Monday, January 10

Memoir Monday

FYI - this will be a random post, couple odd ball things on my mind today...

I definitely have a case of the Mondays today!!  Mostly because when I woke up Lawrence, KS was covered in 3-5 inches of snow...NOT FUN!  I have to take I-70 about 20 minutes to Topeka each day and this morning it took me almost an hour!  I was driving 35 MPH on the highway when  I normally drive 75-80.  All in all I got to work safely and I have a lovely boyfriend who drove me home.  (for those that don't know yes, Mr. KU and I work together)

Also, as you can probably tell from some of my pictures -- I have braces.  Well, late last week I got my bottom braces on.  Not the most fun experience in the world, but I am on the home-ward stretch!  Hopefully only about 9-12 more months and I will be complete!  Perfectly straight, beautiful teeth!  I'm very excited for that day to come!  (and my bank account will be happy to not have to pay that monthly payment too!)

AND.....Mr KU has not seen me without braces or some sort of retainer in my mouth!  He loves me for me!  hehe  I can't wait to give him a big smile!!

I'm also glad Monday is over because that means I only have 4 days to the weekend!!!  I'm looking forward to The 2nd Annual Strong City Trip with about 20 friends from work....fantastic food, crazy times and great friends!  Pictures will be posted next weekend.

Have a fantastic week!

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