My friend Mrs. Ruby (her blog name) came up with a great idea called "Memoir Monday". Just a fun post about your weekend and something to look forward to each week, since we all know that we dread Sunday nights and getting ready for the work week.
Well, my weekend consisted of packing! I'm moving again...for those of you who know me I move about once a year...just from friend to friend, I also seem to be moving closer and closer to work, and this next move (in 3 days) will be to Lawrence, KS. I'm excited and sad all at the same time. I'm pumped to only live 23 minutes away from work, instead of the 70 minutes I currently live. And Mr. KU will also only be about 3 blocks away, makes life very convenient! But at the same time I'm sad about not living as close to family and friends. Definitely have to make more of an effort to head back to KC (only 40 minutes away).
Back to my weekend...I did go to the KU football game with Mr. KU this weekend. It was a terrible game, they played awful! Then on Sunday his brother, sister-in-law and their two kids came over and we hung out, watched the Chief's game and had some home-made soup that Mr. KU made. It was a lovely relaxing weekend after doing lots of packing!
How was your weekend?
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